Io sono Paolo Merolla, se siete qui credete di essere dei perdenti, infatti lo siete.
lunedì 28 gennaio 2013
domenica 27 gennaio 2013
Patrick Moore (antidoto)
Trovo sul numero di dicembre 2012 della rivista «Tradizione, famiglia, proprietà» una dichiarazione, che riporto, di uno dei fondatori (oggi pentito) di Greenpeace, Patrick Moore: «Una ragione del sorgere dell’ambientalismo radicale è il fallimento del comunismo mondiale.
Quando il muro è crollato un sacco di pacifisti e di attivisti politici hanno migrato verso il movimento ambientalista, portando con loro il neo-marxismo. Hanno imparato a usare una lingua verde per mascherare programmi che in realtà avevano molto più a che fare con l’anticapitalismo e l’anti-globalizzazione che con l’ecologia e con la scienza». In Italia si chiamano anche No-Tav, oltre che No-Nuke e No-Qualunquecosa. Ma si chiamano anche Progressisti (così da essere sicuri di occupare tutti i tavoli).
lunedì 21 gennaio 2013
Oggi è Sant'Agnese
Nonostante il culto di S. Agnese, giovanissima vergine e martire, sia stato molto popolare tra i cristiani - specialmente di Roma - sin dagli anni successivi alla sua scomparsa, la sua storia personale si basa su diverse fonti incerte e contraddittorie.
Vediamo innanzi tutto quali sono i punti certi, che trovano riscontro in diversi autori:
l'origine del nome: Agnese deriva dal greco (agnox) e significa sacra, pura, casta;
la condizione sociale: era un nome in uso presso le famiglie di liberti, stato nel quale si dovevano trovare i genitori di Agnese;
il martirio, derivante dalla tenace volontà di testimoniare la propria fede cristiana;
la morte, avvenuta all'età di 12 o 13 anni;
il giorno del martirio: 21 gennaio;
il luogo di sepoltura: sulla via Nomentana, sul luogo dell'attuale basilica a lei dedicata.
Possiamo inoltre supporre che il martirio sia avvenuto nel corso dell'ultima, tra le persecuzioni di cui furono vittime i cristiani romani: quella operata da Diocleziano tra il 303 e il 313 d.C.
A parte questi pochi, ma già significativi dati, diverse tradizioni ci sono state tramandate in merito alla storia della santa.
Vediamo innanzi tutto quali sono i punti certi, che trovano riscontro in diversi autori:
l'origine del nome: Agnese deriva dal greco (agnox) e significa sacra, pura, casta;
la condizione sociale: era un nome in uso presso le famiglie di liberti, stato nel quale si dovevano trovare i genitori di Agnese;
il martirio, derivante dalla tenace volontà di testimoniare la propria fede cristiana;
la morte, avvenuta all'età di 12 o 13 anni;
il giorno del martirio: 21 gennaio;
il luogo di sepoltura: sulla via Nomentana, sul luogo dell'attuale basilica a lei dedicata.
Possiamo inoltre supporre che il martirio sia avvenuto nel corso dell'ultima, tra le persecuzioni di cui furono vittime i cristiani romani: quella operata da Diocleziano tra il 303 e il 313 d.C.
A parte questi pochi, ma già significativi dati, diverse tradizioni ci sono state tramandate in merito alla storia della santa.
Ecco le principali fonti sulla storia di S. Agnese:1) Papa Damaso (366-384), che riporta la storia in un carme scolpito su una grande lastra di marmo, attualmente murato sulla parte est dello scalone che conduce alla basilica onoriana, vicino alla vetrata d'ingresso;2) S. Ambrogio (337-397), che esalta S. Agnese nel De virginibus (377 circa) e nell'inno Agnes beatae virginis;3) Prudenzio (340-405), grande poeta cristiano spagnolo, che canta la Santa nell'inno XIV del suo Peristephanon, pubblicato nel 405;4) La Passio latina (Passio Sanctae Agnetis), testo agiografico del V secolo basato sulla tradizione popolare, che probabilmente veniva proclamato nel giorno di ricorrenza della nascita di Agnese;5) La Passio greca, composta nel V secolo e subito tradotta in siriaco, in cui si parla del martirio della Santa.
Nonostante il culto di S. Agnese, giovanissima vergine e martire, sia stato molto popolare tra i cristiani - specialmente di Roma - sin dagli anni successivi alla sua scomparsa, la sua storia personale si basa su diverse fonti incerte e contraddittorie.
Vediamo innanzi tutto quali sono i punti certi, che trovano riscontro in diversi autori:
Possiamo inoltre supporre che il martirio sia avvenuto nel corso dell'ultima, tra le persecuzioni di cui furono vittime i cristiani romani: quella operata da Diocleziano tra il 303 e il 313 d.C.
- l'origine del nome: Agnese deriva dal greco (agnox) e significa sacra, pura, casta;
- la condizione sociale: era un nome in uso presso le famiglie di liberti, stato nel quale si dovevano trovare i genitori di Agnese;
- il martirio, derivante dalla tenace volontà di testimoniare la propria fede cristiana;
- la morte, avvenuta all'età di 12 o 13 anni;
- il giorno del martirio: 21 gennaio;
- il luogo di sepoltura: sulla via Nomentana, sul luogo dell'attuale basilica a lei dedicata.
A parte questi pochi, ma già significativi dati, diverse tradizioni ci sono state tramandate in merito alla storia della santa.
Vediamo ora di ripercorrere più in dettaglio la storia di S. Agnese, con le sue diverse varianti, sulla base di quanto riportato dalle varie fonti.Ecco le principali fonti sulla storia di S. Agnese:1) Papa Damaso (366-384), che riporta la storia in un carme scolpito su una grande lastra di marmo, attualmente murato sulla parte est dello scalone che conduce alla basilica onoriana, vicino alla vetrata d'ingresso;2) S. Ambrogio (337-397), che esalta S. Agnese nel De virginibus (377 circa) e nell'inno Agnes beatae virginis;3) Prudenzio (340-405), grande poeta cristiano spagnolo, che canta la Santa nell'inno XIV del suo Peristephanon, pubblicato nel 405;4) La Passio latina (Passio Sanctae Agnetis), testo agiografico del V secolo basato sulla tradizione popolare, che probabilmente veniva proclamato nel giorno di ricorrenza della nascita di Agnese;5) La Passio greca, composta nel V secolo e subito tradotta in siriaco, in cui si parla del martirio della Santa.
Secondo Damaso, il martirio di Agnese consistette nel rogo, che ella affrontò con coraggio e con l'estremo atto pudico di coprirsi il corpo nudo con la folta chioma dei capelli. L'associazione tra fuoco e denudamento ha fatto pensare (Frutaz) alla pena delle fiaccole con cui si ustionava il corpo, per poi finire la vittima con un colpo di grazia. Del resto le ossa di S. Agnese non presentano tracce di combustione.
S. Ambrogio, basandosi su tradizioni orali, parla della costrizione ad adorare dèi pagani, e di un tiranno che la voleva ad ogni costo prendere in sposa. Agnese, rifiutando, preferì il martirio, che però le venne dalla spada del carnefice, invece che dal fuoco, anche se non è specificato se si trattò di decapitazione o iugulazione (taglio della gola). Ugualmene presente, nel racconto del vescovo di Milano, la volontà di coprirsi le nudità, ma in questo caso per mezzo di una veste.
Prudenzio introduce un nuovo elemento, raccogliendolo dalla già consolidata tradizione: la costrizione ad essere esposta in un postribolo. I frequentatori non avevano neanche il coraggio di guardarla, ad eccezione di un giovane, che desiderava possederla, ma non riuscì ad arrivare al suo scopo, a causa di un bagliore che lo accecò negli occhi, dovuto ad un angelo vestito di bianco, che la serviva come guardia del corpo. La morte, per questo autore, arrivò per decapitazione.
Per la Passio latina, il carnefice di Agnese è il Prefetto di Roma, il cui figlio si era innamorato della ragazza tornando da scuola. Il denudamento forzato, e il conseguente gesto pudico, preludono all'avvio della ragazza al postribolo.
Interessante è notare come la tradizione popolare situasse tale luogo infame in un fornice dello stadio di Domiziano, detto anche circo agonale, dalla cui forma è scaturito il perimetro di Piazza Navona. La piccola chiesa che vi era stata costruita nell'VIII secolo, venne più volte ricostruita, ed infine sostituita nel XVII secolo dalla maestosa chiesa di S. Agnese in Agone, progettata dagli architetti barocchi Carlo Rainaldi e Carlo Borromini su incarico di papa Innocenzo X. Mentre dunque S. Agnese fuori le mura ricorda il luogo di sepoltura della Santa, la chiesa di Piazza Navona serba la testimonianza topografica del suo martirio.Per la Passio greca, S. Agnese è invece una persona adulta, che accoglie attorno a sé molte matrone, alle quali fa conoscere Cristo. Denunciata al Prefetto, viene esposta nel postribolo, da cui però esce illesa.
In conclusione, possiamo dire oggi che è importante inquadrare la figura di Agnese nella sua cornice storica. In un clima di conflitto e di persecuzione come quello vissuto dai cristiani all'inizio del IV secolo a Roma, non deve stupire che credenti di tutte le età fossero disposti all'estremo sacrificio per testimoniare l'appartenenza alla chiesa emergente. Va inoltre considerata la profonda impressione che deve aver suscitato, all'interno della comunità cristiana, la morte di una ragazza ancora nel periodo della pubertà, nel clima tragico di quegli anni.
Non è quindi così difficile da comprendere come mai una santa bambina, dalla biografia assai incerta, abbia potuto suscitare tanta venerazione tra i cristiani di Roma, specialmente nei primi secoli della Chiesa, e come la verginità sia potuta diventare, nel tempo, il suo attributo più rilevante.
venerdì 18 gennaio 2013
The pope's guardian angels - Sandro Magister
The Vatileaks affair, with the pope's butler sentenced and then pardoned for stealing confidential documents, has taught the whole world about the existence in the Vatican of a judicial system analogous to that of other states, complete with judges and lawyers, tribunals and judicial police.
In recent days, this reality has come back to the forefront with the unprecedented audience of Benedict XVI with the corps of the Vatican gendarmeria on January 11, and with the solemn inauguration of the judicial year of Vatican City-State celebrated the following day.
On the occasion of this latter event, the adjunct promoter of justice, the lawyer Pierfrancesco Grossi, cited Vatileaks only implicitly in his presentation.
He did so at the beginning of his speech, to note how “the year just concluded was particularly demanding” for “well-known” reasons, “in part because of the prominence in the mass media of criminal actions perpetrated in the territory of the State, but with effects outside of it as well.”
And he made reference to it again towards the end, in order to explain that “in relation to the well-known criminal matters” in the Vatican it was also necessary to activate the office of the “judge of criminal sentencing,” pointing out, again implicitly, that in recent times there had never been cases of defendants sentenced and imprisoned, as happened with the former butler Paolo Gabriele.
But in addition to these two brief mentions, the presentation of the adjunct promoter of justice offered a substantial amount of news useful for understanding better the judicial world of the Vatican.
Here are some of them.
- In 2012 there were 1,321 judicial proceedings in Vatican State, a statistical abnormality if compared to the few hundreds of residents. “But this figure,” the magistrate explained, “certainly does not depend on a greater litigiousness of the inhabitants of Vatican City, nor on their greater inclination to crime, but it originates in the great number of persons who in various capacities enter the Vatican territory each year,” meaning the “18-20 million” including “pilgrims, tourists, visitors, frequenters of the offices of the Holy See and users of state services, without counting the employee personnel.”
- "2012,” the adjunct promoter of justice then explained, “was the year of projects for the verification and amelioration of Vatican legislation according to both international and European community norms in the matter of money laundering and the financing of terrorism.” In particular, the Holy See followed up on what had been “presented as desirable by the observers of Moneyval,” introducing most recently, with a law promulgated on December 14, 2012, norms granting further autonomy to the Financial Information Authority (AIF), assigning it the faculty of stipulating protocols of agreement directly with various states, informing the secretariat of state only afterward, while previously the nulla osta of the secretariat of state had been required beforehand.
- The presentation furthermore recalled that the judges of the Vatican tribunals, with the exception of the court of cassation, which is composed only of cardinals, are "appointed from among persons outside of the Vatican administration: in general, university professors in the Italian universities, who are also experts in canon law.” And this “guarantees competence but also a position of absolute independence, which has been appreciated.” At the same time, however, the presentation complained that the lawyers accredited to undertake activity in the Vatican tribunals “in many cases do not have adequate knowledge of Vatican law, both substantial and procedural,” and are often distinguished by an “absolute ignorance of canon law,” which still remains “the first normative source and the first point of reference for interpretation.”
- With regard to articles in the press that frequently complain of the scanty collaboration of the Holy See with the Italian judicial authorities, the presentation pointed out that this kind of collaboration, as far as rogatories are concerned, always passes through diplomatic channels. And it emphasized how since 1969 "the criminal rogatory requests received from Italian and foreign judges by the Vatican tribunal total 56: of these only two, now well in the past, were not executed because of a lack of jurisdiction.” The presentation then specified that 9 rogatories have not come from Italy, but from Argentina, Austria, France, Poland, the United States, and Switzerland. In 2012, it specified, there were five criminal rogatories from Italy and one from Poland, and "all of them have been processed."
- The adjunct promoter of justice also pointed out how “this office,” in the field of relations with other jurisdictions, has repeatedly expressed the wish for “international bilateral conventions or the adherence of this Sate to multilateral conventions." And he added that after the adherence of Vatican City-State to Interpol in 2008, “a further important step could be represented by the adherence of Vatican State to Europol [editor's note: the anti-crime agency of the European Union] and to Eurojust [editor's note: the agency of judicial cooperation in the EU]."
- Finally, the presentation updated the statistics on the state of Vatican justice. In 2012, the tribunal pronounced two civil sentences and two criminal sentences (these latter two obviously concerning Vatileaks) and carried out, as has been seen, actions relative to six international rogatories. There was no news about sentences from the tribunal of appeal or of cassation. The presentation also provided some curious information about the offices of Vatican civil justice. It was revealed that in 2012 at the Vatican there were 190 marriages, two births, and 18 deaths. “Therefore,” it was pointed out, “many non-citizens come to contract marriage at the Vatican, raising interesting questions of ecclesiastical law and of international private law; on the other hand, births are almost nil, which reflects the fact that Vatican citizenship has a mainly functional character."
In the final part of the presentation, the attorney Grossi did not neglect "to express heartfelt thanks to the corps of the gendarmerie, in particular in its functions of judicial police, for the exemplarity, the efficiency, the discretion, the incisiveness of its action, often carried out in objectively difficult conditions and far from the attention of the media.”
Words just as commendatory toward the gendarmeria were expressed by Benedict XVI in the course of the unprecedented audience he granted on January 11 “to demonstrate to the corps," a statement from the Holy See explained, “his encouragement and his gratitude after a period in which it had to respond to particularly demanding challenges.”
Obviously the reference of the pope, implicit here as well, is to Vatileaks.
Benedict XVI thanked the gendarmes for “the laudable availability” with which they offer their “valuable work,” expressing esteem, encouragement, and appreciation for the work carried out “with discretion, competence, and efficiency, and not without sacrifice.”
The pope added: “almost every day, I have the opportunity to meet with some of you in the various positions of service and to see your professionalism in person.”
With words of particular delicacy, Benedict XVI also urged the officers of the armed corps to “foster ever more relationships of trust capable of supporting and encouraging all the members of the Vatican gendarmeria, including in difficult moments.” A reference, perhaps, to the sad episode that took place in September of 2007 when a young gendarme killed himself with a pistol in the Vatican barracks.
In addition to the unprecedented fact of the audience in itself - there is no record, in fact, of a collective audience of this kind - another special aspect was that the Vatican press office sent in advance to journalists by e-mail not only the text of the pope, but also that of the greeting of the “director” - this is the formal office - of the corps of the gendarmeria, Domenico Giani, promoted to this position in June of 2006 after having been since 1999 the vice-inspector vicar and previously an officer of the financial police operating in the Italian secret service.
In his warm greeting, Giani thanked the pope for the “profound significance” of his gesture. “Having wanted us today, all together, here with you,” he said, “is a sign that makes us proud.” And he also addressed his superiors (cardinals Tarcisio Bertone and Giuseppe Bertello, as well as Bishop Giuseppe Sciacca), calling them “true pastors, leaders, and - if I may permit myself - friends.”
After thanking Archbishop Georg Gänswein as well in his twofold capacity as the new prefect of the pontifical household and the pope's personal secretary, Giani then said:
"With the whole family of the Vatican we feel that we are serving - each one according to his own competency - like little Cyrenians you, Holy Father, who bear on your shoulders the weight of humanity because of the ponderous service that the Lord has entrusted to you as supreme pastor of the Church.”
The gesture in itself and the warmth of the remarks made are rather evident signs of how the role of the pontifical gendarmeria, and of its commander in particular, have notably gained importance following the Vatileaks affair, partly by virtue of the cutting-edge equipment recently installed for monitoring the territory of the tiny state.
In recent days, this reality has come back to the forefront with the unprecedented audience of Benedict XVI with the corps of the Vatican gendarmeria on January 11, and with the solemn inauguration of the judicial year of Vatican City-State celebrated the following day.
On the occasion of this latter event, the adjunct promoter of justice, the lawyer Pierfrancesco Grossi, cited Vatileaks only implicitly in his presentation.
He did so at the beginning of his speech, to note how “the year just concluded was particularly demanding” for “well-known” reasons, “in part because of the prominence in the mass media of criminal actions perpetrated in the territory of the State, but with effects outside of it as well.”
And he made reference to it again towards the end, in order to explain that “in relation to the well-known criminal matters” in the Vatican it was also necessary to activate the office of the “judge of criminal sentencing,” pointing out, again implicitly, that in recent times there had never been cases of defendants sentenced and imprisoned, as happened with the former butler Paolo Gabriele.
But in addition to these two brief mentions, the presentation of the adjunct promoter of justice offered a substantial amount of news useful for understanding better the judicial world of the Vatican.
Here are some of them.
- In 2012 there were 1,321 judicial proceedings in Vatican State, a statistical abnormality if compared to the few hundreds of residents. “But this figure,” the magistrate explained, “certainly does not depend on a greater litigiousness of the inhabitants of Vatican City, nor on their greater inclination to crime, but it originates in the great number of persons who in various capacities enter the Vatican territory each year,” meaning the “18-20 million” including “pilgrims, tourists, visitors, frequenters of the offices of the Holy See and users of state services, without counting the employee personnel.”
- "2012,” the adjunct promoter of justice then explained, “was the year of projects for the verification and amelioration of Vatican legislation according to both international and European community norms in the matter of money laundering and the financing of terrorism.” In particular, the Holy See followed up on what had been “presented as desirable by the observers of Moneyval,” introducing most recently, with a law promulgated on December 14, 2012, norms granting further autonomy to the Financial Information Authority (AIF), assigning it the faculty of stipulating protocols of agreement directly with various states, informing the secretariat of state only afterward, while previously the nulla osta of the secretariat of state had been required beforehand.
- The presentation furthermore recalled that the judges of the Vatican tribunals, with the exception of the court of cassation, which is composed only of cardinals, are "appointed from among persons outside of the Vatican administration: in general, university professors in the Italian universities, who are also experts in canon law.” And this “guarantees competence but also a position of absolute independence, which has been appreciated.” At the same time, however, the presentation complained that the lawyers accredited to undertake activity in the Vatican tribunals “in many cases do not have adequate knowledge of Vatican law, both substantial and procedural,” and are often distinguished by an “absolute ignorance of canon law,” which still remains “the first normative source and the first point of reference for interpretation.”
- With regard to articles in the press that frequently complain of the scanty collaboration of the Holy See with the Italian judicial authorities, the presentation pointed out that this kind of collaboration, as far as rogatories are concerned, always passes through diplomatic channels. And it emphasized how since 1969 "the criminal rogatory requests received from Italian and foreign judges by the Vatican tribunal total 56: of these only two, now well in the past, were not executed because of a lack of jurisdiction.” The presentation then specified that 9 rogatories have not come from Italy, but from Argentina, Austria, France, Poland, the United States, and Switzerland. In 2012, it specified, there were five criminal rogatories from Italy and one from Poland, and "all of them have been processed."
- The adjunct promoter of justice also pointed out how “this office,” in the field of relations with other jurisdictions, has repeatedly expressed the wish for “international bilateral conventions or the adherence of this Sate to multilateral conventions." And he added that after the adherence of Vatican City-State to Interpol in 2008, “a further important step could be represented by the adherence of Vatican State to Europol [editor's note: the anti-crime agency of the European Union] and to Eurojust [editor's note: the agency of judicial cooperation in the EU]."
- Finally, the presentation updated the statistics on the state of Vatican justice. In 2012, the tribunal pronounced two civil sentences and two criminal sentences (these latter two obviously concerning Vatileaks) and carried out, as has been seen, actions relative to six international rogatories. There was no news about sentences from the tribunal of appeal or of cassation. The presentation also provided some curious information about the offices of Vatican civil justice. It was revealed that in 2012 at the Vatican there were 190 marriages, two births, and 18 deaths. “Therefore,” it was pointed out, “many non-citizens come to contract marriage at the Vatican, raising interesting questions of ecclesiastical law and of international private law; on the other hand, births are almost nil, which reflects the fact that Vatican citizenship has a mainly functional character."
In the final part of the presentation, the attorney Grossi did not neglect "to express heartfelt thanks to the corps of the gendarmerie, in particular in its functions of judicial police, for the exemplarity, the efficiency, the discretion, the incisiveness of its action, often carried out in objectively difficult conditions and far from the attention of the media.”
Words just as commendatory toward the gendarmeria were expressed by Benedict XVI in the course of the unprecedented audience he granted on January 11 “to demonstrate to the corps," a statement from the Holy See explained, “his encouragement and his gratitude after a period in which it had to respond to particularly demanding challenges.”
Obviously the reference of the pope, implicit here as well, is to Vatileaks.
Benedict XVI thanked the gendarmes for “the laudable availability” with which they offer their “valuable work,” expressing esteem, encouragement, and appreciation for the work carried out “with discretion, competence, and efficiency, and not without sacrifice.”
The pope added: “almost every day, I have the opportunity to meet with some of you in the various positions of service and to see your professionalism in person.”
With words of particular delicacy, Benedict XVI also urged the officers of the armed corps to “foster ever more relationships of trust capable of supporting and encouraging all the members of the Vatican gendarmeria, including in difficult moments.” A reference, perhaps, to the sad episode that took place in September of 2007 when a young gendarme killed himself with a pistol in the Vatican barracks.
In addition to the unprecedented fact of the audience in itself - there is no record, in fact, of a collective audience of this kind - another special aspect was that the Vatican press office sent in advance to journalists by e-mail not only the text of the pope, but also that of the greeting of the “director” - this is the formal office - of the corps of the gendarmeria, Domenico Giani, promoted to this position in June of 2006 after having been since 1999 the vice-inspector vicar and previously an officer of the financial police operating in the Italian secret service.
In his warm greeting, Giani thanked the pope for the “profound significance” of his gesture. “Having wanted us today, all together, here with you,” he said, “is a sign that makes us proud.” And he also addressed his superiors (cardinals Tarcisio Bertone and Giuseppe Bertello, as well as Bishop Giuseppe Sciacca), calling them “true pastors, leaders, and - if I may permit myself - friends.”
After thanking Archbishop Georg Gänswein as well in his twofold capacity as the new prefect of the pontifical household and the pope's personal secretary, Giani then said:
"With the whole family of the Vatican we feel that we are serving - each one according to his own competency - like little Cyrenians you, Holy Father, who bear on your shoulders the weight of humanity because of the ponderous service that the Lord has entrusted to you as supreme pastor of the Church.”
The gesture in itself and the warmth of the remarks made are rather evident signs of how the role of the pontifical gendarmeria, and of its commander in particular, have notably gained importance following the Vatileaks affair, partly by virtue of the cutting-edge equipment recently installed for monitoring the territory of the tiny state.
Benedict XVI,
General Audience,
domenica 6 gennaio 2013
Execution of Maurice Joseph-Louis Gigost d’Elbée
On this date in 1794, one of the great
royalist generals of the Vendee revolt was shot by the French
Revolution’s Republican forces at Nourmoutier at the age of 42 years.
The 1793 counter-revolutionary uprising in the Vendee had roused retired cavalryman Maurice Joseph Louis Gigost d’Elbee, and he became the second commander of the Royal and Catholic Army upon the death of Jacques Cathelineau.
The 1793 counter-revolutionary uprising in the Vendee had roused retired cavalryman Maurice Joseph Louis Gigost d’Elbee, and he became the second commander of the Royal and Catholic Army upon the death of Jacques Cathelineau.
Coffe break
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